Publications (select)

“Breves anotaciones sobre el Himno Nacional de Venezuela,” Umbral I:7 (Julio 1954).

“La inmigracion a Venezuela desde el fin de la guerra federal al siglo XX,” Revista Shell (Diciembre 1957).

“A New Approach to Inter-American Education in Bogotá,” Journal of Inter-American Studies VII: 4 (October 1965).

“The Illustrious American: The Development of Nationalism in Venezuela Under Antonio Guzmán Blanco,” Hispanic American Historical Review XLV: 4 (November, 1965).

Mexican Americans: A Brief Look at Their History (New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1970).

Viva La Raza: Readings on Mexican Americans (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1973).

Mexican American Profiles: Bilingual Biographies for Today, with Michelle Hall (Walnut Creek, California: Aardvark Media, 1974).

California: Five Centuries of Cultural Contrasts, with Bob Barger (Beverly Hills: Glencoe Press, 1976).

The Mexican American in American History (New York: American Book, 1978).

Mexicans: Past, Present, and Future (New York: American Book, 1978).

“U.S.-Mexico Relations: A Need for Mutual Understanding,” Journal of International Law 12:3 (Summer 1980).

My Mexican-American Journey (Houston: Arte Público Press, 2002).

The Latino Guide to Creating Family Histories: A Handbook for Students, Parents & Teachers (WPR Books, 2012).

Documentary TV/Film

Song of the Basque, 1995. Nava was the creator and executive producer.
Voices of Cuba, 1996. Nava was the creator and executive producer.

Chicano: The Mexican-American Heritage Series I & II, 1971.
The first ten episodes have been digitized by the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Nava was a co-creator of the series, and wrote the episode on education.

On Julian Nava’s Life, Work, Contributions

“A Groundbreaking Chicano Series, Stored 50 years in a Garage, Reemerges,” Los Angeles Times, November 7, 2021.
“The Importance of Being Nava,” Los Angeles Times July 23, 1967.
”Unrest: Founding of the Cal State Northridge Chicana/o Studies Department,” directed by Miguel Ángel Dúran, 2008.